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Novak O. 
Management culture: the role of university startups = Культура управління: роль університетських стартапів / O. Novak, S. Musiichuk, S. Zuenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 5. - С. 193-198. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To study the peculiarities of the implementation of a new management culture in higher education in Ukraine. Methodology. The authors used the methods of analysis and synthesis. Both methods provided the results of reviewing the research literature on the selected issue. Comparison and analogy methods allowed the authors to compare the results of investigating different states and regions, as well as to argue the conclusions. Findings. The authors found that the formation of a new management culture in higher education was initiated in the United States at the beginning of the 21st century. Two key recommendations from Congress on education policy have opened up a new source of income for universities. Universities were involved in the economic development strategy of the state. They turned from educational institutions into generators of a new management culture, which transformed the intellectual potential of young people into economic growth of the state and resulted in an increase in the well-being of society. The work discusses the peculiarities of the implementation of a new management culture in higher education in Ukraine. Three problems were identified and investigated that make it impossible to fully implement a new management culture in Ukrainian universities at this stage of state development. Originality. The authors revealed new trends in the formation of management culture in higher education in the United States, and also explored the features of their influence on the reform in higher education in Ukraine. Practical value. The results of the study should be considered as recommendations for the implementation of the new management culture in higher education in Ukraine. The new management culture pioneered by the U.S. Congress fosters the "innovative spirit" of youth. It transforms the intellectual potential of young people into state capital. The introduction of a new culture of management in higher education in Ukraine will ensure the economic growth of the state and, accordingly, increase the well-being of the Ukrainian society.

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