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Rojek A. 
An experimental analysis of DC magnetic blowout high-speed circuit breakers' parameters / A. Rojek // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 4/5. - С. 35-40. - Бібліогр.: 19 назв. - англ.

High-speed circuit breakers (HSCB) used in DC circuits are one of the basic elements of overload, short-circuit and electric shock protection. Such breakers are used in transport (trams, trolleybuses, subways and railways) in electric power supply facilities and in vehicles. The performance and capability of limiting the current depend on the HSCB design and solutions applied in it. The circuit parameters, particularly its inductance also affect the performance. Additionally, each DC breaking in the RL circuit is accompanied by overvoltages whose level depends on the circuit parameters and breaker design. The paper discussed the process of direct current breaking by magnetic blowout high-speed circuit breakers and factors that affect the HSCB performance, i. e. opening time and arcing time. The influence of the circuit parameters and HSCB design on the value of arc voltage is outlined. The results of laboratory tests of 4 types of high-speed circuit breakers produced in Europe are presented. The test results were used to analyze the effect of current changes in the short circuit on the time of current breaking and the value of switching overvoltages - arc voltage. The results of simulation of the short-circuit breaking in the RL DC circuit made at the rate-of-rise of current in the circuit are presented. Based on the tests and simulations, the current breaking times, values of arc voltage generated in this process and arc energy that is acquired and dissipated by the arc chamber are determined. The objective of the tests and simulations was to answer the question whether it is possible to turn off direct current quickly without generating high arc voltage values - overvoltages in the circuit and how di/dt changes should be formed by a high-speed circuit breaker to achieve the shortest possible time with the lowest possible arc voltage and its lowest energy.

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