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Tri Tjahjono 
Angular momentum tearing mechanism investigation through intermolecular at the bubble interface / Tri Tjahjono, I. N. Gede Wardana, Mega Nur Sasongko, Agung Sugeng Widodo // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 4/8. - С. 37-47. - Бібліогр.: 42 назв. - англ.

Two-phase flow with gas-liquid component is commonly applied in industries, specifically in the refinery process of liquid products. Oil products with bubbles contents are undesirable in a production process. This paper describes an investigation of a process mechanism regarding the bubble breakup of the two-phase injection into quiescent water. The analytical model was developed based on the force mechanism of water flow at the bubble interface. The inertia force of water flow continually pushes the bubble while the drag force resists it. The bubble gets shapes change that affects the hydrodynamic flow around the bubble. Vortices with high energy density impact and make the stress interface over its strength so that the interface gets tear. The experiment was carried out by observing in the middle part of the injected flow. It was found that the forming process of bubble breakup can be explained as the following steps: sweep model is a bubble pushed by the inertial force of water flow. The viscous force of water shears the surface of the bubble. The effect of both forces, the bubble changes its shape. Then trailing vortex starts to appear in near bubble tail. The second flow of water is in around of the bubble to strengthen the vortex energy density that causes fragments to detach from the parent bubble; stretching model, the apparent bubble has high momentum force infiltrated in stagnant water depth and bubble ends are stretched out by the inertial force of the bubble and viscous force of water. The bubble surface has experienced stretching and tearing become splitting away. Based on the finding, the breakup process is highly dependent on the momentum of water flow, which triggers the secondary flow as the initial process of vortex flow, and it causes the tear of the bubble surface due to angular momentum.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В253.341.2


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