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Skrobach N. V. 
Learning and teaching support for modular-rating educational system / N. V. Skrobach, V. O. Petryna, O. A. Shapoval, V. Yu. Vyshyvaniuk // Архів клініч. медицини. - 2020. - № 1. - С. 24-25. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

The main purpose of the modular system is to change organizational foundations of the pedagogical process in higher education to those that would ensure its substantial democratization and the conditions for a real change in the student's role in learning (from the object to the subject of this process), provide the educational process with the necessary flexibility, introduce the principle of teaching individualization. The regulation on the organization of the educational process in higher educational institutions determines scientific and methodical support that includes the State Standards for Specialties (Course Description, Educational and Professional Program), the curriculum, the syllabus for all normative and elective disciplines, discipline-specific teaching materials, the programs of practices of various kinds, textbooks, manuals, instructional and methodical guidelines, tasks for final, current and state control, etc. The modular-rating and credit-modular educational systems require a detailed development of the system of learning and teaching support considering students' individual characteristics to form a methodological culture of thinking of general phenomena and patterns of developing the physical world, as well as the ability of interdisciplinary synthesis and a deep understanding of scientific and professional tasks. The role a teacher plays in the system of such training is to motivate, determine the level of knowledge, consult and inform students, while students transform from passive listeners to active participants of the educational process. Such training enables students to study at their own pace, considering their own abilities and temperament. The teaching and methodical complex on the discipline is the system of normative, methodical and didactic documents that determine the objectives of learning, the content of an academic discipline, didactically and scientifically substantiated sequence, methods and means of the formation of knowledge, skills, abilities, professional and civic qualities in students.

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