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Pobigun N. G. 
Psychological peculiarities of professional burnout of teachers of high medical educational institutions / N. G. Pobigun, U. P. Shalamai // Архів клініч. медицини. - 2019. - № 2. - С. 35-39. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

In the article the relevance of the outlined problem in the context of the entrance of Ukraine in the world medical educational space is covered. The essence of the professional burnout of teachers of the higher medical educational institutions (HMEI), which is characterized by the gradual loss of life tone by the subject under influence of prolonged stress in the professional teaching activity and is manifested by symptoms of chronic fatigue, general exhaustion, depersonalization, reduction of professional achievements, etc., is determined too. The objective of the study - to substantiate reasons, peculiarities, objective and subjective factors of the professional (emotional) burnout of teachers of the HMEI. In the investigation the historical-systematic, comparative method and objective-specific method are used. It is emphasized that the syndrome of professional burnout can lead to general decrease of the effectiveness of the professional activity of the teacher, deformation of interpersonal relationships as well as decrease of activity in the creative professional self-improvement, self-development. The threats and risks of the professional burnout of the teachers of medical university in providing the quality of professional training of future healthcare professionals, are characterized.

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