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Bozca M. 
Investigation of the effective parameters of scuffing failure in gears / M. Bozca // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2020. - 6, № 1. - С. 1-7. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

This study investigates the effective parameters of scuffing failure in gears using the integral temperature method. For this aim, the mass temperature, integral temperature and scuffing safety factor are calculated for a given parameters. Then, integral temperatures are simulated based on various geometrical, operational and lubrication parameters. Obtained results are presented graphically. The obtained results show that increasing the module mn results in a decrease in the integral temperature <$E symbol J sub іnt>. Similarly, increasing the pinion teeth number zp results in a decrease in the integral temperature <$E symbol J sub іnt>. Increasing the module and tooth number positively affects the scuffing failure in gears. In contrast, increasing the transmitted torque MT1T results in an increase in the integral temperature <$E symbol J sub іnt>. Similarly, increasing the pinion speed np increases the mass temperature <$E symbol J sub M>, and increasing the lubricant (oil) <$E symbol J sub {O dot dot}> temperature increases the integral temperature <$E symbol J sub іnt>. Increasing the transmitted torque, lubricant temperature and the pinion speed negatively affects the scuffing failure in gears. Finally, increasing the nominal kinematic viscosity <$E nu sub 40> decreases the integral temperature <$E symbol J sub іnt>. Increasing the nominal kinematic viscosity positively affects the scuffing failure in gears. By considering the effective parameters of scuffing failure such as geometrical, operational and lubrication, one can design and manufacture the desired gears without scuffing failure.

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