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Babets Ye. K. 
Determining conditions of using draglines in single-tier internal dump formation = Визначення умов використання драглайнів при формуванні одноярусного внутрішнього відвалу / Ye. K. Babets, A. A. Adamchuk, O. O. Shustov, O. O. Anisimov, O. O. Dmytruk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 6. - С. 5-14. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The scientific and practical task of the study is to establish the dependences of the safe distance of dragline excavators on the height of a single-tier internal dump of the overburden rocks and the level of its flooding, taking into account the physical and mechanical properties of rocks. Methodology. To achieve these goals, the following research methods were used: computer modelling using "Slide" software to build the most stressful sliding surfaces of the dumped rock mass. The calculations were performed in manual and automatic search modes for the most stressed (weak) sliding surface on several calculated sliding surfaces. The obtained data of calculations of the width of the prism of a possible landslide were analyzed and their dependence on the height of the single-tier dump and the water level in the open pit space was established by the method of least squares. The formula for calculating the value of the distance from the safety embankment to the axis of movement of the excavator is obtained using the cosine theorem and a number of trigonometric identities. Findings. Using the "Slide" software complex the parameters of the width of the prism of a possible landslide at safety factors 1,2 and 1,0 were calculated and their dependences on the height of the dump and the level of its flooding with water were established, which allowed establishing effective models of dragline excavators for different conditions. The formula for calculating the distance from the axis of movement of the excavator to the safety embankment taking into account the parameters of the dragline excavator and the width of the pit for unloading haul trucks is proposed. Originality. It is established that when the slope of the dumped rock mass is flooded with water, the physical and mechanical properties of the tier sole change, and the stability of the slope begins to decrease, and the width of the prism of a possible landslide increases. After water flooding of the slope reaches the critical value at the level of 1/5,2 from the total height of the tier slope, there is an increase in stability and a decrease in the width of the prism of a possible landslide due to increasing the influence of water retaining forces in the open pit space. The slope acquires the greatest stability at its maximum flooding by water.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И168.8


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