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Shchur I. Z. 
Integrated system of modular power supply and multilevel control of brushless DC motor for electric vehicles = Інтегрована система модульного живлення та багаторівневого керування безщітковим двигуном постійного струму для електромобілів / I. Z. Shchur, V. P. Turkovskyi // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 6. - С. 68-75. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of a multi-purpose control algorithm for a cascaded semiconductor inverter to provide a six-step switching of phase voltages of a brushless DC (BLDC) motor, multilevel regulation of voltages magnitude, charge equalization of battery modules in the modes of traction and regenerative braking of electric vehicles (EV), as well as checking the operability of the developed algorithms by computer simulation. Methodology. To solve these problems, the methods of automatic control theory, elements of the discrete mathematics, and the theory of algorithms are used. The mathematical model of the studied system was implemented by means of the Simulink application, as well as programming in the MATLAB software. Findings. Algorithms for coordinated control of the six-step switching of the BLDC motor armature winding, multi-level control of the motor voltages with pulse-width modulation at only one level, and energy management in the form of equalization of the battery modules charges have been developed. A computer mathematical model of the proposed EV electric drive system has been created. Performed simulations confirmed the effectiveness of the developed multi-purpose control algorithm. Originality. Substantiation and solution of the problem of complex increase of energetic and design indicators, as well as reliability of EV power-traction system due to application of an integrated configuration of the modular electric power supply system and multilevel control of the BLDC motor by means of joint multilevel cascade inverter. Practical value. The use of the developed solutions will increase the service life of electric motor, the reliability of the whole power-traction system, improve their maintainability, expand the layout and loading of the EV chassis, ensure its fire and electrical safety.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: О333.2.057 + О359.2 + З264.5


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