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Dreval Yu. D. 
Fundamental principles of activity of international labour organization in occupational safety and hygiene = Фундаментальні засади діяльності МОП у сфері безпеки та гігієни праці / Yu. D. Dreval, S. O. Zaika, O. P. Sharovatova, O. V. Bryhada, B. M. Tsymbal // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 6. - С. 88-95. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Based on the analysis of the relevant basic international documents, to provide further substantiation for the provisions on the importance of the concept of occupational safety and health in the program and standards-related activities of the ILO. Methodology. The ILO's participation in the development and settlement of the defined area of social and labour relations is explored using a number of methods, namely: the method of system analysis (which ensures consideration of a set of activities of this organization as a complex system defined by relative structural independence and meaningful harmonious unity of individual components) and the method of comparison (which further advances arguments for the position of achievements and voids in the study on this issue, as well as places emphasis on the most significant and promising area of activity of this organization related to occupational safety and health). Findings. Based on the application of these methods, it is substantiated that much attention is paid to various aspects of occupational safety and health in the programmes and standards-related activities of the ILO. In this case, a harmonious interrelation between the key documents, labour standards, as well as the fundamental principles and rights at work is fundamentally essential. This interrelation is partly embodied in a special ILO document on labour protection, which, however, has no clear emphasis on the protection of working people as the fundamental basis of this organization. The grouping of conventions of this organization is carried out, which in the set of norms are aimed at regulating occupational safety and health issues. In addition to the above, emphasis is placed on the need for a comprehensive analysis of fundamental conventions and conventions, which together are aimed at direct regulation of occupational safety and health. Originality. The provision that the concept of occupational safety and health is of paramount importance in the key documents and conventions of ILO, and that this concept is one of the systemically important factors of this organization, is presented and comprehensively substantiated. Indeed, a set of provisions based on the safety of workers is contained in both program documents (declarations, conventions) and in most conventions. At the same time our analysis shows that such provisions with certain details directly relate to all fundamental principles and rights at work (therefore, when analysing this issue attention should be paid not only to formal but also to the essential characteristics of occupational safety and health). ILO conventions, which contain norms on labour protection, are also defined and grouped (with substantiation of the provision on the degree of involvement in this area of fundamental and governance conventions, as well as conventions based on direct regulation of relevant relations).

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