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Nester A. A. 
Achieving environmental security with economic impact = Досягнення екологічної безпеки з економічним ефектом / A. A. Nester, O. O. Nikitin, O. V. Romanishina, L. O. Mitiuk, Yu. O. Polukarov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 6. - С. 115-120. - Бібліогр.: 11 назв. - англ.

Dumping and storing spent pickling solutions on the territory of enterprises leads to environmental pollution, requires significant costs for their neutralization at the enterprise and at treatment facilities at the production sites. Purpose. To clarify the previously known, but insufficiently studied processes of wastewater treatment and to present the results of research and tests conducted to obtain copper from wastewater and create environmentally friendly equipment. Methodology. The paper studies individual processes of regeneration of copper-ammonia etching solutions using electrochemical technology to obtain dense copper deposits, whose release sharply reduces the formation and storage of sludge on the territory of enterprises. Findings. It is noted that the chemical correction of etching solutions leads to the formation of a significant amount of wastewater, sludge which contains heavy metals that adversely affect soils, groundwater, the plant world and humans as the top of the food chain. To avoid the accumulation of sludge on the territory of enterprises, it is proposed to use the technology of regeneration of spent etching solutions, in which sludge is not formed, and the isolated metal is reused as a secondary raw material for copper production. In this case, the regenerated etching solution is reused for etching printed circuit boards. The creation of equipment for the regeneration of used solutions with the release of metal in a form suitable for melting becomes an important element in preserving the environment and obtaining raw materials for non-ferrous metallurgy in Ukraine. Originality. For the first time, comprehensive studies have been carried out which made it possible to create promising wastewater treatment equipment based on them. The research-based etching line for printed circuit boards provides for the reuse of rinsing waters in the technological process after its regeneration. At the same time, the use the line rinsing water is available to replenish the withdrawn pickling solution. Practical value. The use of the process with the separation of copper by dense deposits makes it easier to remove metal by simple mechanical operations and to avoid a complex structure for removing copper in the form of metal powders.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К675.79 + У9(4УКР)305.51-28 + У9(4УКР)280-18


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