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Shliakhtun P. 
Risk management: approaches and fields of application = Управління ризиками: підходи та сфери застосування / P. Shliakhtun, Ya. Taran, P. Oleshchuk, V. Kolyukh, I. Petrenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 6. - С. 174-179. - Бібліогр.: 19 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To reveal modern approaches to political risk management in the countries with economies in transition. Methodology. The authors used the system-structural, structural-functional methods, as well as the methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis and expert evaluation. Findings. The authors reviewed modern approaches to risk management and identified three global forces that determine political risks and their management: 1. Dramatic political changes after the end of the Cold War. 2. Innovation in supply chains. 3. Technical revolution. Based on the materials reviewed, the authors developed a sequence of political risk management in the countries with economies in transition. Originality. A?sequence of political risk management in the countries with economies in transition has been developed on the basis of studying the features of their unstable socio-political situation, as well as global forces that determine political risks and their management. Practical value. The use of the results obtained in the study on the peculiarities of risk management in countries with economies in transition allows identifying the opportunities of the process of minimizing the negative consequences of political risks and preventing them for the countries in transition, including those for increasing their investment attractiveness from foreign countries and international organizations.

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