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Solomko M. 
Implementation of the method of image transformations for minimizing the Sheffer functions = Впровадження методу образних перетворень для мінімізації функцій Шеффера / M. Solomko, N. Khomiuk, Ya. Ivashchuk, V. Nazaruk, V. Reinska, L. Zubyk, A. Popova // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 5/4. - С. 19-34. - Бібліогр.: 24 назв. - англ.

The studies have established the possibility of reducing computational complexity, higher productivity of minimization of the Boolean functions in the class of expanded normal forms of the Sheffer algebra functions by the method of image transformations. Expansion of the method of image transformations to the minimization of functions of the Sheffer algebra makes it possible to identify new algebraic rules of logical transformations. Simplification of the Sheffer functions on binary structures of the 2-(n, b)-designs features exceptional situations. They are used both when deriving the result of simplification of functions from a binary matrix and introducing the Sheffer function to the matrix. It was shown that the expanded normal form of the n-digit Sheffer function can be represented by binary sets or a matrix. Logical operations with the matrix structure provide the result of simplification of the Sheffer functions. This makes it possible to concentrate the principle of minimization within the truth table of a given function and do without auxiliary objects, such as Karnaugh map, Weich diagrams, coverage tables, etc. Compared with the analogs of minimizing the Sheffer algebra functions, the method under the study makes the following to be possible: reduce algorithmic complexity of minimizing expanded normal forms of the Sheffer functions (ENSF-1 and ENSF-2); increase the productivity of minimizing the Sheffer algebra functions by 100 - 150 %; demonstrate clarity of the process of minimizing the ENSF-1 or ENSF-2; ensure self-sufficiency of the method of image transformations to minimize the Sheffer algebra functions by introducing the tag of minimum function and minimization in the complete truth table of the ENSF-1 and ENSF-2. There are reasons to assert that application of the method of image transformations to the minimization of the Sheffer algebra functions brings the problem of minimization of the ENSF-1 and ENSF-2 to the level of a wellstudied problem in the class of disjunctive-conjunctive normal forms (DCNF) of Boolean functions.

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