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Lanetskii B. 
Developing the model of reliability of a complex technical system of repeated use with a complex operating mode = Розробка моделі надійності складної технічної системи багаторазового використання зі складним режимом роботи / B. Lanetskii, V. Lukyanchuk, H. Khudov, M. Fisun, O. Zvieriev, I. Terebuha // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 5/4. - С. 55-65. - Бібліогр.: 23 назв. - англ.

Solving the problems of setting requirements to the reliability of complex technical systems for various purposes presupposes their classification according to the features characterizing the purpose, modes of use, etc. According to the modes of use, systems are divided into objects of continuous long-term use, repeated cyclic use, and single-use. The objects of repeated cyclic use include the systems operating in cycles. Durations of the periods of work and pause in the cycle are considered deterministic values. Technological and/or technical maintenance is carried out in pauses between the operation periods. In addition to the known classification, it was proposed to introduce a group of systems of repeated use with a complex operating mode. A complex mode is understood as a mode that includes waiting for a request of the system use and executing the request after it arrives at a random time. An analytical model of reliability of such a system has been developed in the form of a ratio for a non-stationary total coefficient of operational readiness. This model describes the processes of the system functioning in the intervals of waiting and use. In this case, the duration of the intervals of waiting and/or execution of the request are random values. Ratios for this indicator were obtained for three options of specifying the functions of distribution of durations of waiting in a turnon condition and fulfilling the request for use. The developed model makes it possible to set requirements for reliability and maintainability of the systems with a complex operating mode. The results of modeling the dependences of the operational indicators of reliability on parameters of the functions of distribution of durations of waiting and executing the request were obtained for different distributions. Recommendations were formulated concerning the substantiation of the requirements to reliability and maintainability of the systems under consideration.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ж14


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