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Semeshko O. 
Development of a formulation for light stabilizers to protect dyed cotton knitted fabrics against light = Розробка композиції світлостабілізаторів для захисту від дії світла забарвлених бавовняних трикотажних полотен / O. Semeshko, Yu. Saribyekova, T. Asaulyuk, N. Skalozubova, S. Myasnikov // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 5/6. - С. 20-32. - Бібліогр.: 43 назв. - англ.

Mathematical planning of the experiment was used to develop a formulation for light stabilizers to improve the lightfastness of cotton knitwear coloration, dyed with active dyes, in order to produce comfortable and high-quality knitted clothes. The variance and factor analyses of the experiment's results were performed, which was carried out according to the scheme of the Latin cube of the first order involving the variation of factors - the type of light stabilizers and their concentration. The technological mode of application of light stabilizers implied the impregnation of knitted fabric, drying, and thermal fixation of the material. For the dyed knitwear samples, we have investigated the individual influence of light stabilizers on changing the color of the dyed knitted fabric and the kinetics of coloration photodegradation. The samples were insolated using the device with mercury-tungsten lamp RF 1201 BS ("REFOND", China). Following the treatment and insolation, the general color differences of knitwear samples were determined in comparison with the non-treated material, using the TCR-200 colorimeter ("PCE Instruments", Germany). The effectiveness of the developed formulation for light stabilizers was confirmed in the study of the lightfastness of knitted fabrics such as pique weave, 1+1 eraser, smooth surface, dyed with active dyes of the brand Bezaktiv ("CHT Bezema", Czech Republic). The result of our study is the developed formulation of light stabilizers consisting of 2,4-dihydroxy benzophenone, a UV-absorber, and hydroquinone, an antioxidant, at concentrations of 2 and 1 % of the material weight, respectively, which ensures an increase in the lightfastness of cotton knitwear coloration by 52,9 - 66,8 % regardless of weave and active dye.

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