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Kovaliova O. 
Implementation of the plasmochemical activation of technological solutions in the process of ecologization of malt production = Запровадження плазмохімічної активації технологічних розчинів в процес екологізації солодового виробництва / O. Kovaliova, O. Pivovarov, V. Kalyna, Yu. Tchoursinov, E. Kunitsia, A. Chernukha, D. Polkovnychenko, N. Grigorenko, T. Kurska, O. Yermakova // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 5/10. - С. 26-35. - Бібліогр.: 25 назв. - англ.

This study has established patterns in the plasmochemical activation of technological solutions in the process of malt production. Of importance is the application of innovative technologies to purify water and technological solutions used at malt enterprises that consume large quantities of water resources. A promising technology is the plasmochemical treatment of water and technological solutions in order to purify them and, partially or completely, destroy pathogenic microflora. Due to the use of plasmochemical activation, it has become possible not only to improve the malting process but also to reduce the consumption of water resources for technological purposes by 2 - 3 times. This is achieved by improving the technological malting process and by the possibility of reuse of wastewater after its filtering and plasmochemical treatment. The experimental laboratory tests have proven the effectiveness of using plasmochemical activation of technological solutions in order to improve the qualitative indicators of wastewater and the possibility of reuse of such solutions after their plasmochemical activation. Applying the proposed method for treating technological solutions decreased the level of contamination of wastewater from malt production. Sewage contamination after activation decreased. Thus, pollution indicators decreased as follows: per dry residue - by 65 - 95 %; the content of suspended substances - by 33 - 66 %; residue after roasting - by 58 - 79 %; total nitrogen - by 58 - 80 %; P2O5 (phosphorus) - by 75 - 88 %; K2O (potassium) - by 75 - 92 %; CaO (calcium) - by 81 - 92 %; Na2O - by 67 - 83 %; Cl<^>- - not detected; oxidation - by 78 - 95 %; BOC5 (biochemical oxygen consumption) - by 92 - 97 %; pH became alkaline. In plasmochemical treatment, there is a disinfection of wastewater, namely, during an activation mode of 60 min the phytopathogenic microflora (Aspergillus, Alternaria, Penicillium, Fusarium, Mucor) were destroyed. This indicates the effectiveness of the purification and decontamination of technological solutions. Its application is the key to the environmental safety of malt production when all its stages meet the requirements of "green" technologies.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л873.2


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