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Kutova N. G. 
Determination of the influence of factors on the state of personnel incentives of the industrial enterprises = Визначення впливу чинників на стан стимулювання персоналу промислових підприємств / N. G. Kutova, A. Yu. Shakhno, K. O. Demianenko // Вісн. Криворіз. нац. ун-ту : зб. наук. пр.. - 2020. - Вип. 50. - С. 68-73. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

To conduct diagnostics of personnel incentives, by which it is necessary to establish the influence of certain factors on the productivity of personnel at enterprises. The methods of statistical analysis, regression analysis, modelling of economic indicators using MS Excel are used. Scientific novelty lies in the identification of significant factors for the stimulation of personnel to form an evaluation system improving the economic mechanism of incentives for the personnel at enterprises. Practical value is that the results of the study revealed the most problematic aspects of the employee incentive system, and suggested a systematic approach to improve the process of forming an economic incentive mechanism for enterprise personnel. The efficiency of industrial enterprises personnel use was analyzed on the basis of comparing the level of labour productivity and the average monthly salary of the personnel, the indicators of productivity of labour and payment of management and industrial-production personnel were calculated. The study of the dynamics of the basic and additional pay growth rates, incentives and compensation in the payroll of the management staff of enterprises showed that accrued bonuses in the payroll fund have a negative tendency. The interdependence between business performance and personnel incentives has been identified. This analysis has revealed the negative impact of certain factors on labour productivity, the main ones being the imperfection of the current labour legislation, the lack of proper control over its observance, the spread of opacity in labour relations and the reduction of social protection of workers.

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