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Fidrovska N. M. 
Experimental study on an overhead crane passing a rail track joint = Експериментальні дослідження руху мостового крана через стик рейкової колії / N. M. Fidrovska, O. V. Chernyshenko, I. A. Perevoznyk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 1. - С. 98-102. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To confirm the theoretical conclusions that determining the load from the wheel impact with the joint of rails in the metal structures of overhead cranes used in the technological processes at ore mining and processing mills and integrated works and moving along the rail tracks requires that the dynamic magnification factor should take into account the trolley position. Methodology. To assess the load to which the crane metal structures are exposed the electric strain measurement method using direct bridge circuit was chosen. To calibrate the strain measurement system, the direct method was used, under which calibration is performed directly on the structure on which experimental studies will be carried out in the future. Findings. It was established that the dynamic magnification factor in the metal structure of the overhead crane had the following values when passing the last rail joints: 1,54 (with the trolley in the middle of the bridge), 2,46 (with the trolley at 0,25 of the crane span from the end beam), 3,33 (with the trolley in the extreme position). So, with the trolley being at a distance of 0,25 of the crane span from the end beam, the dynamic magnification factor is 74 %, and with the trolley in the middle of the bridge, it is 46 % of the dynamic magnification factor if the trolley is in its extreme position. Originality. The scientific novelty consists in the first experimental confirmation of the results obtained in the theoretical studies on the overhead crane passing the joints of the rail track with regard to the crane trolley position, which leads to changes in the stiffness of the main beam in the interval between the trolley and the final beam. Practical value. The results obtained enable calculations on the crane bridge metal structure during the design and repair of the main and end beams taking into account the value of the dynamic magnification factor, which allows increasing the reliability and durability of the crane metal structure as a whole.

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