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Першко Н. Ю. 
Інфрачервона спектроскопія крові онкологічних хворих : (огляд) / Н. Ю. Першко, О. Є. Левченко, О. В. Пономарьова, Д. О. Токар, П. В. Петельський, М. В. Сидоренко // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2020. - № 2. - С. 68-77. - Бібліогр.: 32 назв. - укp.

The method of infrared spectroscopy (IR), being one of the most important modern research methods in organic and biological chemistry, has recently become widespread in medicine. This review basis is analysis of scientific publications on the results of the study of infrared blood spectra of cancer patients. For the study of physiological and biochemical processes which are proceed in the human body in pathology, among the many used methods of infrared spectroscopy is very special, because it is highly specific, accepting for spectrum characteristics determine in the blood any substances, quantitative and qualitative, whose changes are displayed in the infrared spectrum/The theoretical basis of the research is the hypothesis that blood have the substances which have information about the violation of chemical homeostasis in cancer case. IR spectra are absolutely specific, they can be considered іfingerprintsі of molecules. Moreover, some lines in the IR spectra are always the same for the same groups of atoms in different molecules. Such "frequency groups" are an important element in the spectra analysis. The unique ability to distinguish in the IR range even isomers of the position of identical biomolecules and to register individual atomic groups in the composition of almost any biomolecule, makes IR spectrometry indispensable for the study of such complicate media as blood. Blood (thin films of blood on glass), blood serum (dried, in vaseline oil), blood plasma act as a subject of research. The main areas of research are the іfingerprintі area and the Amid I band area. It is important to put attention that the analysis of IR spectra is not a trivial task. The accuracy and sensitivity of the specificity of diagnostic methods using the method of IR spectroscopy depends mainly on mathematical approaches to calculations, which can be based on different methods and levels of mathematical processing of results. The authors use different characteristics of the IR spectrum for mathematical approaches: absorption coefficients at a certain wave, the ratio of peaks of certain frequencies, the area under the peaks. The infrared spectroscopy should be interesting for differential diagnosis of: tumor and non-tumor diseases: lung cancer, tuberculosis and chronic non-specific lung diseases; malignant and benign bone tumors, endometrial cancer and benign endometrial hyperplasia; benign and malignant ovarian tumors; cervical cancer and dysplasia of varying degrees; breast cancer fibroadenomatosis; prostate cancer and prostate adenoma. Serum spectral analysis can be used not only in differential diagnosis of tumor diseases, but also make control of the effectiveness of the treatment. Infrared blood spectroscopy is an objective diagnostic aid and will eventually take its place in clinical oncology practice.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р56-451 + Р345.1


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