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Панасюк І. В. 
Термомодернізація будівель закладів вищої освіти - проблеми та рішення / І. В. Панасюк, О. І. Єщенко, М. М. Шовкалюк // Енергетика: економіка, технології, екологія. - 2020. - № 2. - С. 17-25. - Бібліогр.: 11 назв. - укp.

The costs of maintaining budget buildings in Ukraine are 2 - 3 times higher than similar costs in the European Union, and for a number of reasons related to the outdated condition of external fences and utilities, sanitary and hygienic requirements in the premises are not met. The paper considers the results of the energy audit of the educational and administrative building of KNUTD in order to identify ways to reduce energy costs and improve the microclimate in the building. The energy condition of the building, the structure of energy costs are analyzed. In order to develop a set of energy saving measures, measurements of actual energy costs were made to determine the baseline level during technical and economic calculations. Energy audit was conducted using instrumental methods and with photo-fixation of visual inspection. The geometric, thermal and energy characteristics of the building have been specified. To increase the level of energy efficiency of the building, a complex thermal modernization is proposed, which includes work to increase the thermal resistance of external enclosing structures and modernization of engineering systems, financial and economic justification of the effectiveness of the proposed energy efficiency measures. Insufficient funding of budget institutions requires a systematic approach to solving the problem of improving the energy efficiency of student campuses, which will include not only the implementation of technical measures, but also information campaigns and organizational and management actions of the Energy Management Service and university management. An effectively functioning system of energy management of educational institutions is the foundation for sustainable development of the state; it is a set of measures that can have a significant effect on reducing Ukraine's energy dependence.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Н113.6 + Н711-09


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