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Hotiur O. 
Pathophysiologic peculiarities of different factors' influence on development and course of IHD complicated with atrial fibrillation : (a rev.) / O. Hotiur, I. Drapchak, P. Drapchak, O. Drapchak // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 1. - С. 51-53. - Бібліогр.: 19 назв. - англ.

Over the last years, mortality because of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) increased significantly in Ukraine. If we speak about atrial fibrillation (AF) itself, the number of recurrent arrhythmias cases as the main cause of hospitalization of patients w ith AF increased at 66 % over the last 20 years. Independent development factors of AF are heart failure, aortic and mitral valve diseases, arterial hypertension, left atrial enlargement, and also obesity and obstructive sleep apnea, etc. In 2013 A. A. Novykov from Kherson region and several other researchers proved the influence of chaotic changes of meteofactors in cases of overt or hidden functional cardiovascular disorders (CVD) that can significantly influence its hemodynamic stability, functional ability, particularly its rhythmic activity. The main problem in the treatment of one or another nosological entity of CVD today is not the adjustment of a medication for its treatment, but the finding of pathogenetic links in the development of the disease itself. Especially this occurs, when the patient gets several organs or systems disabled simultaneously. Several scientists and practicing physicians are interested in the development of new approaches to diagnosis and treatment of AF in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) considering the peculiarities of clinical course and comorbidity. After all, the finding of complications' causes in comorbid pathology in patients with IHD will contribute to treatment optimization and prevention of other complications, especially those resulting from the anticoagulant therapy for example when a functional liver state or metabolic processes are impaired.

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