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Orishchak D. T. 
Lump in the throat - an algorithm for the actions of a physician / D. T. Orishchak, N. V. Vasyliuk, O. R. Orishchak // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2020. - 27, № 2. - С. 25-26. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

Diagnosis and treatment of patients with complaints of the іlump in the throatіі remain a complex multidisciplinary problem. This is due to the poiyetioiogy of factors causing similar symptoms and an empirical approach to the treatment. "Lump in the throat" is one of the clinical manifestations of upper respiratory tract paresthesia. According to the literature data, there is the reason for referral to an otolaryngologist in 4,1 to 5,0 % of cases. The objective of the research was to optimize and improve the diagnosis and pathogenetic approach to the іlump in the throatі treatment. To achieve the specified objective, a comprehensive examination of 38 patients who sought an otolaryngologistіs medical advice, complaining of a іlump in the throatі at the age of 18 - 45 years (26 women and 12 men), was performed. For the purpose of optimal diagnostics, general clinical examination, examination of ENT organs, endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, microlaryngoscopy were performed; the condition of patientsі psycho-emotional status was assessed (consultation of psychologist and psychiatrist). A comprehensive clinical study of 38 patients with complaints of the іlump in the throatі at the age of 1845 years was performed. Psychosomatic disorders were detected in 26 patients; ENT organ diseases were present in 12 patients. All patients received treatment depending on the diagnosed somatic, otorhinolaryngological and psychosomatic pathology.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р682.5-4


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