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Dwi Hadi Sulistyarini 
Implementation of rapid prototyping polylactic acid using 3D printing technology for early education applications = Впровадження швидкого прототипування полімолочної кислоти з використанням технології 3D-друку для застосування в дошкільній освіті / Dwi Hadi Sulistyarini, Debrina Puspita Andriani, Zefry Darmawan, Putu Hadi Setyarini // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 6/1. - С. 20-26. - Бібліогр.: 26 назв. - англ.

One of the technologies that are developing rapidly is 3D printing. 3D printing machines can create objects easily, quickly and in detail. There are three main steps that a 3D printing machine goes through, namely design, printing and finishing. 3D printers using polylactic acid are widely used in various types of fields such as industrial machinery, spacecraft, consumer goods, electronic components, vehicles, medical industry, toy industry and others. In this research, we succeeded in making an educational game tool called Tetris with the 3D printing method using polylactic acid filaments. The process of consistently creating 3-dimensional objects from digital files by arranging many layers of thin metal in succession is called 3D printing. Using additive manufacturing technology, 3D digital designs are turned into virtual products by sequentially depositing metals. 3D printing provides reasonable feasibility to meet various parameters based on the engineering arena. By utilizing the advantages of PLA material, which has good tensile strength, good surface quality, is available in various colors and user-friendly, educational game tools are produced that have the advantage of being attractive, light, strong and easy to play. That way, making educational game tools using 3D printing made from PLA can solve the problems with previous educational game tools, which are not easy to play and less attractive to early childhood. Educational games that have been made in this study can be used as a platform for learning children at the kindergarten to elementary school levels. The way to play this educational game Tetris is by attaching shapes to the main part of Tetris and matching them with other shapes, just like playing a puzzle where each shape that is installed must match the other shapes.

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