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Serdyuk V. 
The use of low clinker binders in the production of autoclaved aerated concrete by cutting technology = Використання малоклінкерних в'яжучих при виробництві автоклавного газобетону за різальною технологією / V. Serdyuk, D. Rudchenko, N. Dyuzhilova // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 6/1. - С. 63-71. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - англ.

The possibilities of optimization of cutting technology for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete and the use of low-clinker binders in it are investigated. Taking into account the price factor, energy-ecological trends in the development of the industry of building wall and heat-insulating materials, autoclaved aerated concrete has significant prospects for the development of production. With the transition to the production of autoclaved aerated concrete of lower density, on the one hand, the total material consumption of production decreases, and on the other, the specific costs of the binder (cement) per unit mass of aerated concrete increase. The research was aimed at implementing a number of technological solutions. They imply a decrease in the energy intensity of production by minimizing the clinker component in the raw mix and an intensification of the production process in order to increase the coefficient of the structural quality of the material, as well as the possibility of mass production of low-density aerated concrete. Reducing the clinker component by replacing it with active mineral additives, blast-furnace granular slag, under the conditions of cutting technology, is possible provided that the problem of accelerating the plastic strength gain of aerated concrete raw material at the stage of formation of its macrostructure is solved. It has been established that the implementation of forced synthesis of ettringite at the stage of formation of aerated concrete mixture with a high W/T ratio reduces the time of pre-autoclave holding of the raw massif. This allows the use of mineral additives and enhances the strength of the final product. Replacing 10 - 15 % of cement with the GBFS addition in the composition of the aerated concrete mixture in the presence of an additional content of gypsum stone of 5 - 10 % in the composition of sand slime provides an intensive increase in the plastic strength of the raw material before cutting it into products and high strength of the final product.

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