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Musabekov K. 
A research of colloidal silver immobilization in bionanocomposites of natural polymers and montmorillonite = Дослідження іммобілізації колоїдного срібла в біонанокомпозитах природних полімерів і монтморилоніту / K. Musabekov, B. Zhakyp, S. Tazhibayeva, N. Musabekov, A. Yergaliyeva // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 6/6. - С. 93-101. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

Currently, colloidal silver particles are used in the creation of electronic, optical, and sensor devices of a new generation. Silver-containing bionanocomposites (BNCs) were synthesized by immobilization of colloidal montmorillonite particles containing colloidal silver in a composition of sodium alginate and sodium salt of carboxymethylcellulose. Silver-containing montmorillonite particles Ag-Mt were obtained by replacing Na<^>+ ions in layered silicate galleries with Ag<^>+ ions, followed by the transformation of silver ions into silver particles. The introduction of Ag<^>+ ions into the montmorillonite structure is justified by infrared spectroscopy. When studying the strength of bionanocomposite films, it was found that with an increase in the content of Ag-Mt particles in their composition, the strength increases and the deformation decreases. It is found that the equilibrium values of the swelling constant are set in ~ 30 minutes. At the same time, with an increase in the Ag-Mt content in the bionanocomposite from 3 % to 10 %, the value of the equilibrium swelling coefficient (Kswell) decreases by 2,8 times. The replacement of Na<^>+ ions with Ag<^>+ ions in the montmorillonite structure is accompanied by a decrease in the swelling of bionanocomposites, which is explained by the lower hydration of Ag<^>+ ions compared to Na<^>+ ions. As another reason for the decrease in the swelling of bimonanocomposites with an increase in the proportion of Ag-Mt in their composition, enhancing their ability to structure formation in the prersence of a clay mineral is indicated. The kinetics of the release of Ag<^>+ ions from bionanocomposites into saline has been studied. It is shown that the release of Ag<^>+ ions increases with increasing pH of the medium.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л716 + Ж364.204


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