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Kudriavtsev S. 
Determining the influence of cavitation treatment on the octane number of gas-condensate gasoline modified with isopropanol = Визначення впливу кавітаційної обробки на октанове число газоконденсатного бензину, модифікованого ізопропанолом / S. Kudriavtsev, O. Tselishchev, S. Leonenko, S. Boichenko, M. Loriia // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 6/6. - С. 116-123. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

This paper reports a study into the effect of cavitation on the octane number of gas-condensate gasoline with the addition of isopropanol in the amount of 0 - 12 % by volume. The papers that confirm the impact of cavitation on the intensification of oil cracking reactions have been analyzed. Cavitation also initiates reactions of interaction between free radicals and alcohols. A laboratory installation scheme has been proposed to investigate the cavitation treatment process on the characteristics of gasoline modified with alcohols. A methodology has been devised for studying the effect of cavitation treatment intensity on the octane number of gasoline. A 0,3 - 0,9-point increase in the octane number of gas-condensate gasoline modified with isopropanol was experimentally proven following its cavitation treatment. The effect of the number of cavitation treatment cycles on the octane number indicator has been studied; it is shown that the stable value of an increase in the octane number is achieved over 7 - 8 cycles of cavitation treatment at a pressure at the outlet from the nozzle of 9,0 MPa. A reduction in the isopropanol additive, required to produce gasoline brands A-95 and A-98, when using a cavitation treatment technology was substantiated. It has been experimentally confirmed that compared to simple mechanical mixing of alcohol and hydrocarbon gasoline, the application of cavitation reduces the consumption of isopropanol by 17 % (from 3,0 % to 2,5 % by volume) in the production of gasoline brand A-95; and by 14 % (from 8,1 % to 7,0 % by volume) in the production of gasoline brand A-98. The effect of isopropanol concentration on the increase in the octane number of gasoline, measured by research method, under conditions of cavitation treatment is nonlinear in nature: with highs at concentrations of 1,0 % by volume, 3,5 % by volume, and 6,5 % by volume. Varying the initial concentration of isopropanol and the octane number of a hydrocarbon gasoline fraction can optimize the technological mode of production of gasoline brands A-95 and A-98 in terms of raw materials and energy consumption.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л542.21/29


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