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Mykhalevskiy D. 
Devising a technique to evaluate fluctuations in the main parameters of a wireless channel of the 802.11 standard = Розробка способу оцінювання флуктуацій основних параметрів безпровідного каналу стандарту 802.11 / D. Mykhalevskiy // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 6/9. - С. 18-24. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

This paper reports the technique devised to evaluate fluctuations in the main parameters for a wireless channel of the 802.11 standard based on the confidence regression interval. Underlying such a technique is the use of mathematical ratios of the relationship among the statistical probability, variance, and fluctuation level. It should be noted that this technique could be used when technically diagnosing the 802.11x standard wireless networks at the stages of their design and operation. Applying the proposed technique for the estimation models of the main channel parameters makes it possible to derive an estimate of fluctuation intervals without the need to process large arrays of measurement results. This greatly reduces the time of obtaining the result from diagnosing by involving monitoring algorithms. An expression for the statistical relation between fluctuations in the main parameters of the 802.11 standard wireless channel was obtained on the basis of the proposed mathematical ratios, which makes it possible to evaluate fluctuations of the information parameter based on the fluctuations of an energy one and vice versa. This is relevant when assessing the effective speed of information transmission based on measuring the signal strength at the receiver input using monitoring algorithms. The analysis of the reported results and their comparison with empirical studies have shown that based on the interrelation between the main channel parameters with a regression confidence interval it is possible to determine the level of fluctuations based on the confidence probability. The dependence of a fluctuation level on the variances and confidence intervals of regression models has also been established. With a probability of 0,85, the fluctuations have been obtained for direct visibility and at a minimum number of interferences while a probability of 0,97 shows the impact of a multipath wave propagation factor in the premises.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З884.1


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