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Ibraimova S. 
Development of recipe composition of bread with the inclusion of juniper using mathematical modeling and assessment of its quality = Разработка рецептурного состава хлеба с включением можжевельника с использованием математического моделирования и оценка его качества / S. Ibraimova, R. Uazhanova, M. Mardar, A. Serikbaeva, N. Tkachenko, D. Zhygunov // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 6/11. - С. 6-16. - Бібліогр.: 36 назв. - англ.

In order to determine the influence of juniper fruits (Juniperus communis L) on the formation of bread quality, the optimization of the component composition of a new product with increased nutritional value was carried out. To optimize the recipe composition, the response surface methodology was used. The maximum value of the complex indicator of the quality of new bread is noted when the mass fraction of sodium chloride is 1,45 % and the mass fraction of crushed juniper fruits is 3,17 %. According to the developed recipe, prototypes of the product were developed and the main quality indicators were determined. Based on the analysis of the chemical composition, it was found that bread with the inclusion of 3 % crushed juniper fruits is characterized by an increased content of protein, fiber, vitamins, micro- and macroelements compared to the control sample. The influence of juniper on microbiological parameters and shelf life of the finished product was established. The new type of fortified bread with the addition of 3 % crushed juniper fruits can be stored without changing the quality indicators for up to 72 hours, which exceeds the same indicator of the control bread sample. In the course of the study, the influence of juniper on the antioxidant activity and safety indicators of bread was determined. The inclusion of crushed juniper fruits in the bread made it possible to double the antioxidant activity compared to the control sample, which is 15,5 and 7,5 mg/100 g, respectively. In terms of safety indicators, the developed bread fully meets the requirements of regulatory documents. The results obtained make it possible to recommend for production a new type of fortified bread with increased nutritional value with the inclusion of crushed juniper fruits in its recipe, which will expand the range of health products.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л83-32


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