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Реферативна база даних - результати пошуку

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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Horbenko O. 
Logistics management : course material / O. Horbenko. - Kherson : OLDI-PLUS, 2020. - 150 c. - англ.

This book reveals a basic knowledge of logistics activities that are presented in five chapters. In this way, the readers are able to understand core functions of logistics, find out more information about procurement activities, such as ABC-XYZ, EOQ model, the reorder level, lead demand, safety stock & cycle stock, and about sales forecasting, such as short-, long-term sales forecasting. You can orient in sales forecasting methodology to control inventory and calculate service level and inventory turnover. Likewise, the book pays attention to storage facilities, the types of warehouses, describes warehouse layout and operations, shows storage and handling equipment. In conclusion, the book takes a discussion of transportation modes, shows core freight KPIs of the transportation management system such as LDM, the volume of the truck, the weight of the entire order. At the end of the chapter contains little information about a new rule Incoterms 2020.

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