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Najlae El Ouardi 
Bifocal tuberculosis with adalimumab revealed by laryngeal involvement: case report / Najlae El Ouardi, Latia Taoubane, Adil Zegmout, Marouane Balouki, Siham Sadni, Lahsen Achemlal // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2021. - 28, № 1. - С. 33-36. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Anti-TNF treatment has transformed the treatment of chronic inflammatory rheumatism. Although the therapy can be highly effective, anti-TNF drugs are associated with an increased risk of tuberculosis, especially extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. Laryngeal tuberculosis is rare and its symptoms are not specific. Laryngeal tuberculosis is often secondary to another localization, particularly pulmonary. In the use of anti-TNF therapy, its development is unusual. We report a case of bifocal tuberculosis: laryngeal and pulmonary tuberculosis revealed by laryngeal involvement in a patient aged 41 years with axial spondylarthritis treated with Adalimumab. Conclusion: this presentation highlights the importance to consider the rare possibility of laryngeal tuberculosis in the presence of atypical otorhinolaryngologic signs under anti-TNF therapy and underlines the importance of looking for other tuberculosis involvement.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р543.682.6 + Р419.1


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