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Dubovoy O. M. 
Electric arc spraying of cermet coatings of steel 65G-TiC system = Електродугове напилення керметних покриттів системи сталь 65Г-TiC / O. M. Dubovoy, A. A. Karpechenko, M. M. Bobrov, O. S. Gerasin, O. O. Lymar // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 2. - С. 63-68. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Substantiation of the possibility of obtaining composite cermet electric arc coatings using TiC powder as a strengthening phase, determination of their physical and mechanical properties. Methodology. The microstructure of the composite cermet electric arc coatings was studied by computer metallography using a ZEISS Gemini SEM 500 scanning electron microscope. The chemical composition was determined by X-ray spectral analysis; phases were identified by measuring their microhardness on a PMT-3 device. The bond strength of the obtained coatings was determined by the method of "pulling out the pintle" on a tensile testing machine UMM-5. Findings. Composite cermet coatings of the steel 65G-TiC system were obtained by the electric arc spraying using TiC powder in a free state. The influence of the technological parameters of spraying on the amount of the carbide phase in the coating was established, and their microstructure was investigated. The porosity, microhardness of the phases in the coating and its bond strength were determined. Originality. For the first time, composite cermet electric arc coatings of the steel 65G-TiC system were obtained by using a powder of strengthening phase in a free state. Their microstructure, microhardness and bond strength were investigated. The technological spraying modes of electric arc coatings have been established, which provide the optimal content of the strengthening phase to achieve their maximum bond strength with substrate. Practical value. The application of the research results obtained in the work, namely, the determination of the optimal technological parameters of spraying for the formation of cermet electric arc coatings with the maximum level of physical, mechanical and operational properties, makes it possible to meet the requirements for the restoration and hardening of worn surfaces. This leads to an increase in the service life of parts not only in mining, but also in other industries.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К663.033.05


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