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Mitryasova O. P. 
Environmental water security policy in the EU, Ukraine and other developing countries = Екологічна політика в галузі безпеки водних ресурсів в ЄС, Україні та інших країнах, що розвиваються / O. P. Mitryasova, V. D. Pohrebennyk, O. S. Petrov, Ye. M. Bezsonov, V. M. Smyrnov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 2. - С. 125-130. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To determine the key principles of environmental security of aquatic ecosystems in the context of sustainable use of natural resources and socio-economic development. Methodology. Comparative analysis and systematic approach. Findings. Principal aspects of water resources management in the states of the world are analyzed in the context of the provisions of the sustainable development concept. Comparison of countries with different levels of development has allowed identifying key methodological provisions that are implemented in the environmental policy of water. An approach to determination of the limiting indices of the impact on the environment is proposed. It was revealed that most post-Soviet countries do not use the concept of "ecological system" and "ecosystem services" in their legislative framework, which today are an integral part of the environmental policy and legislation of developed countries. The basic principles of the ecological safety of aquatic ecosystems are as follows: a water body (surface or underground ones) is a complex, functionally integrated and self-regulating ecological system. It cannot be considered as a volume with a resource for biological and amenity needs; priority in the water use should be given to the living components that exist in it and ensure its functional integrity. Any aquatic ecosystem should be economically assessed not only in terms of available water resources, but also considering other ecosystem services, particularly, the diversity of its biotic components. All these principles and the approach presented, if introduced into domestic legislation, will allow achieving progress in the field of ecological safety of aquatic ecosystems and sustainable social economic development. Originality. An approach has been improved which determines the efficiency of environmental policy in the field of water resources safety through a correlation analysis of water consumption and population size. Practical value. The research results allow for quantitative assessment of water resource management. The results of the study on the influence of the factor of freshwater resources on the socio-economic development of countries and regions of the world suggest that there is a strong statistically significant correlation in this system of connections.

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