Abstract database «Ukrainica Scientific»

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Komova M. 
Scientific and popular content in the socio-cultural space : monograph / M. Komova, A. Peleshchyshyn, A. Petrushka. - Lviv : Triada plus, 2019. - 198 c. - (Інформація. Комунікація. Документація). - Бібліогр.: с. 175-198 - англ.

The theoretical principles of creation of'a mass communication document and the pragmatics of its functioning in the socio-cultural space are considered The basis of the exploration is the application of conceptual theories about the socio-informational status of the mass communication document and its system transformation, modelling the concept of a scientific journal in terms of integration into the international information space. The factors of documentary fixation of factual information and its interpretation possibilities are considered. The model of modernization of educational content in the field of information and documentation is presented, the presentation of scientific and popular conlent in the educational process is disclosed.

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