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Budashko V. 
The synthesis of control system to synchronize ship generator assemblies = Синтез системы управления синхронизацией судновых генераторных агрегатов / V. Budashko, V. Shevchenko // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2021. - № 1/2. - С. 45-63. - Бібліогр.: 38 назв. - англ.

This paper considers the construction of principles and the synthesis of a system of effective control over the processes of synchronization of generator sets (GSs) that form a part of the distributed MP-control systems for complex ship technical systems and complexes (STS and C). The tasks of synchronization have been set, the process and database models have been built, the system configurations have been defined. Based on the use of resultant functions, we have determined stages in solving the tasks of control over the frequency adjustment synchronization in a hierarchical sequence. The performance analysis of the STS and C control elements has been carried out; the use of the integrated optimization criteria and dual management principles has been proposed. Practical techniques to manage the GS synchronization have been given. We have solved the problem of high-speed control over the frequency of synchronized objects based on the principles of adjustment. That has made it possible to determine in advance the moments of GS enabling under the deterministic and stochastic statement of the synchronization task. The results of the experimental study into the GS synchronization processes are given; the effectiveness of the proposed GS control has been proven. The principles underlying the construction of procedures to control the GS composition when using the methods of "rigid" and "flexible" thresholds have made it possible to define the optimization criteria and implement a control law that satisfied the condition for an extremum, which is an indicator of the feasibility of the set goal and takes into consideration the limitations of control influences. We managed to design a system in the class of adaptive control systems by the appropriate decomposition of the system's elements by splitting a synchronization task into the task on performance and the task on control under the required conditions. The given examples of the processes where the synchronization failed while using standard synchronizer control algorithms, as well as processes of successful GS synchronization when applying the proposed synchronizer dual control algorithms, have confirmed the reliability of the main scientific results reported here.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: О462.21


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