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Maistrenko O. 
Devising a procedure for justifying the choice of reconnaissance-firing systems = Розроблення методики обгрунтування вибору розвідувально-вогневих систем / O. Maistrenko, V. Khoma, O. Karavanov, S. Stetsiv, A. Shcherba // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2021. - № 1/3. - С. 60-71. - Бібліогр.: 34 назв. - англ.

This paper reports a study into the special features of military (combat) activities at the present stage of military art development. The purpose was to subsequently define the basic requirements for reconnaissance-firing systems. The features under consideration are a rapid change in the situation, competition with an enemy for winning in time, accuracy, maneuverability, secrecy. They also involve a large amount of data that must be operated when deciding on combat use (hostilities). Other attributes of modern military (combat) activities are the consistency of operations and a clear structure of subordination; independence in maintenance and positioning. These data are useful and important because they make it possible to reasonably define the requirements for reconnaissance-firing systems. This paper has defined those requirements for reconnaissance-firing systems and such criteria for their selection that are predetermined by the specificity of military (combat) activities. The most important selection criteria include efficiency, accuracy, secrecy, robustness. Several actual reconnaissance-firing systems have been analyzed in order to demonstrate the use of the methodology. Specifically, "Kropyva" (Ukraine), "ArtOS" (Ukraine), "Obolon-A" (Ukraine), "Sokil - (Poland, Ukraine). A procedure for justifying the choice of reconnaissance-firing systems has been devised, taking into consideration the conditions of military (combat) activities, based on the method involving an analytic hierarchy process. A given procedure substantiates those selection criteria that were determined on the basis of patterns in modern military activities. From a practical point of view, the proposed methodology makes it possible to significantly reduce the time for planning an operation and considerably improve the validity of decisions by a commander (chief) regarding the choice of a reconnaissance-firing system and its further use in combat activities.

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