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Lypskyi T. 
Determining patterns in the use of finishing formulations for trimming the crust leather = Визначення особливості використання фінішних композицій при оздобленні шкіряного красту / T. Lypskyi, N. Pervaia, O. Okhmat, O. Mokrousova, A. Babych // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2021. - № 1/6. - С. 57-63. - Бібліогр.: 28 назв. - англ.

This paper has considered the possibility of using new finishing formulations to finish the Crust leather, manufactured from cattle raw materials aimed to finish shoes and leather garments. The quality indicators of finishing formulations and their elementary chemical composition have been investigated. It was found that the finishing formulations possess a high covering capacity due to the presence of mineral pigments in their composition. X-ray fluorescent analysis has proven that the presence of chromium pigments and copper compounds renders the green color to the composition; the compounds of cobalt, copper, iron, chromium - blue color; cobalt compounds - reddish-brown color. It has been established that the finishing formulations are resistant to the effect of electrolytes of different nature over a wide pH interval, from 2 to 11. When determining the uniformity of the composition by using a chromatography method involving fan-shaped paper, it was found that the composition of blue has a pronounced purple hue, of reddish-brown - red. The effectiveness of the use of finishing formulations to finish the Crust leather has been proven by determining the indicators of its quality. The finishing formulations give the Crust high resistance to dry (exceeding 500 rotations) and wet friction (exceeding 150 rotations), multiple bending (exceeding 50,000 rotations), the effect of water (2 to 5 points), and organic solvents (2 to 4 points). At the same time, the finishing formulations are characterized by rapid diffusion into the structure of the leather with a natural front surface with the simultaneous provision of specific properties to it. Specifically: water-repelling properties (hydrophobicity), shine, wax grain, matte, saturated homogeneous color. The leather with the introduced finishing formulations does not require fixing the resulting coating with water-based varnish. It is recommended to use the finishing formulations in the production of Crust leather shoe top by applying them onto the surface by spraying or using a brush to create the desired effect.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: М520.4/5


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