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Kazanský R. 
The causes and specificities of the conflict theory : sci. monogr. / R. Kazanský, V. Zaplatynskyi. - Kyiv : NPE Yamchynskyi O. V., 2020. - 87 c. - Бібліогр.: с. 79-85 - англ.

The goal of this publication is to provide a basic synthetic theoretical analysis of conflicts, methods employed to resolve them and the ways in which they may be prevented. The work is an introduction to these issues. It attempts to include a wide range of topics dealt with by the study of conflict resolution and prevention. The included deeper analysis of the issue of conflict prevention is a key part of the work. Emphasis is put on the theory and practice of conflicts, due to the importance of conflict escalation prevention in the pre-conflict phase, the phase of conflict transformation and also during the process of post-conflict reconstruction. Conflicts became more dynamic in the 21st century. This change occurred not only with the parties directly involved in conflicts, but also the parties involved in the resolution of conflicts, where we can find many different units, in addition to states. Because of this, the bulk of the work is focused on conflict prevention and resolution with the use and participation of national, regional and supranational parties involved. However, the current dynamics of international relations moves the examined issues forward too rapidly, which is why the work is a reflection of the state of events, which were current during the preparation and implementation of submitted facts.

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