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Khvesyk M. A. 
Environmental economics: development vector : [monograph] / M. A. Khvesyk; National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Public Institution "Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine". - Kyiv : PI IEESD NAS of Ukraine, 2020. - 349 c. - Бібліогр.: с. 334-349 - англ.

This monograph is based on many years scientifical research of the author and scientists of the State institution «Institute of the Natural Resources Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine» and, for the first time, present the systematics results of extremely relevant problems of the economics of nature use and sustainable development. Basic imperatives and strategic directions of rationalization in all spheres resource uses have beer formulated on the basis of the innovation-investment model, methodological and methodical in capitalization principles of the natural resource component of the socio-economic potential of sustainable development and institutional provision of the sphere of nature use are disclosed,natural and technology-induced and ecological safety, waste management and secondary uses resources in the decentralization of power and strengthening European integration development of Ukraine. The financial-economic management mechanism territorial natural-economic complexes and modernization for rental principles in natural resource sphere areproposed. For the first time, by innovative methodology, the value of the natural wealth of the country has been determined. It has been revealed indications and structure of the organizational, economic and institutional mechanisms of the integrated economic assessment of the natural wealth of territories in the ensuring process balanced of using natural resources and effective management of sustainable development of the state. The use of public-private partnership in the field of nature use has been described, and the basic implementational principles of this model have been represented at the regional and local levels. This research is fundamental and pioneer, it based on a broad analysis of materials and sources, since it contains many new, original ideas. Work claims for an important contribution to the emergence of such an area of economic science, as environmental economics, the economics of nature use and sustainable development, the solving actual conservation problems of natural resources and the environment with the simultaneous ecologically balanced nature.

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