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Yoichi Arai 
Transfiguration of cellular tissue under stress : monogr. / Yoichi Arai; Bogomolets national medical university. - Lutsk : Vezha-Druk, 2021. - 239 c. - англ.

This monograph consists of 6 chapters made up of text material and plentiful photographs and illustrations. This research is intended to be described the true cause and mechanism of cancer cells in the interdisciplinary perspective to furnish an irrefragable proof that the mechanism of cancer as follows; even though a human being is formed by only one life form (living organism), it is composed of two different life forms (living organisms) adopting two fundamentally different methods for producing energy. One of them produces energy by a method called glycolysis. The other called as mitochondria produces energy by using oxygen (TCA cycle). When the aerobic life form called as mitochondria die, this cell changes into cancer cell. In this viewpoint of evolution, when a cell transforms its figure into an ancient one in its evolutional process to survive under present circumstance of great difficulty, that is under mental or physical stress, this cell changes into cancer cell.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е0*66*33


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