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Kotok V. 
Development of a special cell for optical and electrochemical measurements using 3D printing and modern electronic base = Разработка нестандартной ячейки для оптико-электрохимических измерений с помощью 3D печати и современной электронной базы / V. Kotok, V. Kovalenko // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2021. - № 2/5. - С. 6-13. - Бібліогр.: 27 назв. - англ.

A special design of the measuring cell was proposed, which makes it possible to determine the optical and electrochemical characteristics of thinfilm electrochromic electrodes simultaneously. Also, the proposed cell provides constant temperature control using a small-sized thermostating unit built on Peltier elements and digital boards of W1209 thermostats. The cell was made using 3D printing with ABS plastic by the fused deposition method (FDM), followed by a sealing stage using a solution of polymethyl methacrylate dissolved in dichloroethane. In the course of the research, the use of a green laser with a wavelength of 520 nm was substantiated. Separately, the linearity of optical readings, the dependence of the indicators of the optical characteristics measurement system on temperature, as well as the uniformity of electrolyte heating in the cell, were studied. In addition, the pattern of the electric field was determined, which was an indicator of the uniformity of the current density distribution on the measured electrode. The obtained dependences made it possible to assert that the characteristics of the cell and the measuring system as a whole are suitable for the stated research purposes. It was also shown that the cost of the cell, together with the optical measuring system and the constant temperature control system, is more than two times cheaper than simple electrochemical cells offered by manufacturers. The proposed algorithm for the development of the cell design, the approach to the selection of components, as well as the given technical details, allow us to manufacture measuring equipment for the specific goals of the researcher. In this case, the given schematic, structural, and hardware solutions can be used separately from each other.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ж102.34


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