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Vikovych I. 
Design of impact dampers for transporting cargoes by two-link vehicles = Розробка демпферів ударів при транспортуванні вантажів дволанковими транспортними засобами / I. Vikovych, L. Krainyk, R. Zinko, V. Popovych, O. Horbai // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2021. - № 2/7. - С. 85-94. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - англ.

This paper considers the influence of the transitional modes of movement (acceleration, braking) of a multi-link vehicle on the vibration protection of transported non-fixed or partially fixed cargoes. The impact phenomenon, in this case, can be strengthened by the existence of coupling mechanisms between the links of a multi-link vehicle. To reduce such horizontal impact loads, it is advisable to use elements with viscoelastic damping in the coupling devices of a multi-link vehicle. To study the actual impact phenomena during the transportation of non-fixed or partially fixed cargoes under the extreme modes of movement of two-link vehicles, it is proposed to use a flat two- and three-mass dynamic model with viscoelastic damping. At the same time, the theory of elastic impact has been applied while the elastic-damping characteristics of vehicles' suspensions were not taken into consideration. It has been shown that the reported research results make it possible to estimate the approximate values of the mechanical parameters for restrictive devices that protect non-fixed or partially fixed cargoes from impact, during the transition modes of transportation, depending on the conditions of motion. This practically makes it possible to select the rational design parameters for the elements of viscoelastic restrictive devices, in particular elastic elements and dampers, in order to reduce impact loads on non-fixed heavy cargoes during transportation under extreme modes of movement. Based on this study, a procedure of vibration protection of non-fixed or partially fixed cargoes in the body of a two-link vehicle during its uneven movement has been proposed, which implies determining the maximum dynamic loads on these cargoes as well as the possibility of choosing the rational design parameters for restrictive devices in order to prevent or reduce the impact of these cargoes hitting the restrictive devices.

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