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Yavorska E. 
Development of a simulation model of a photoplethysmographic signal under psychoemotional stress = Розробка імітаційної моделі фотоплетизмографічного сигналу при психоемоційному стресі / E. Yavorska, O. Strembitska, M. Strembitskyi, I. Pankiv // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2021. - № 2/9. - С. 36-45. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

A simulation model of a photoplethysmographic signal under psychoemotional stress taking into account the nature of signals of biological origin and stress response stages was developed. The method of constructing the simulation model is based on reconstructing the waveform and coding points of the signal taking into account the stress response curve using harmonic functions at characteristic time intervals. Using the simulation model of the photoplethysmographic signal under psychoemotional stress with previously known parameters allows validation of methods and algorithms for processing such data. It was found that in the process of simulation, it is necessary to take into account the signal frequency, random component and stress response curve. This complicates the simulation algorithm. However, using the simulation model with variable input parameters allows reproducing the signal with an emphasis on stress response stages. One of the features of the proposed model is the ability to reproduce the signal by coding points for amplitude and time intervals using harmonic functions. The relative error for the amplitude variation of the model and experimental data is 3,97 %, and for the period - 3,41 %. Calculation of Student's t-test showed a statistically insignificant difference: p = 0,296 for the amplitude and p = 0,275 for the period. This indicates that the simulation model takes into account the signal characteristics under stress: frequency, random component and stress response curve. Using the proposed simulation model is an adequate way to assess methods and algorithms for analyzing the state of the cardiovascular system under psychoemotional stress.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р64-324


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