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Stukalo N. V. 
The concept of sustainable development of Ukraine in the context of global threats = Концепція сталого розвитку України в контексті глобальних загроз / N. V. Stukalo, M. V. Lytvyn, Y. M. Petrushenko, Y. I. Pylypenko, L. B. Kolinets // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 3. - С. 178-183. - Бібліогр.: 25 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To create the concept of sustainable development of Ukraine in the context of global threats. Methodology. The research is based on the analysis of the components of integrated indicators and the formation of indicators based on them, which allow assessing the state of balance of socio-economic development of the national economy and determining the directions of corrective policy. In addition, the systematic approach is used to obtain the scientific results, which allowed us to consider the socio-economic development of society as the polysystem phenomenon, comparative analysis, statistical methods - in comparing the situation of Ukraine with other countries, logical analysis - in justifying and developing the concept of sustainable development of Ukraine in the context of globalization. Findings. The concept of sustainable development of Ukraine has been developed, which is aimed at forming the new format of social relations and the new model of economy to increase the resilience of the national economy to global threats. The components of the Sustainable Development Index were analyzed and the comparative analysis of the components of global threats to Ukraine and other countries was made. It has been determined that the most dangerous challenges for Ukraine at the present stage are the high prevalence of morbidity among the population, high infant mortality, corruption, low energy security and inefficient public administration. It has been offered that the main purpose of the concept of sustainable development of Ukraine is to create conditions for overcoming existing threats. This requires the creation of a new form of government, a new format of public relations and a new economic model. The directions of achieving the main goals of sustainable development in Ukraine have been developed: social justice, balanced economic growth, ensuring high quality of the environment, rational use of resources, demographic stability and mutually beneficial international cooperation. Originality. The authors' concept of sustainable development of Ukraine is based on ensuring the ability of the national economy to take advantage of the positive external effects of globalization and thereby reduce its negative impact on society. Stages have been established. The necessity has been substantiated of introduction of consistent and interconnected measures which are aimed at changing the quality of socio-economic development of the country on the basis of using mainly intensive factors of economic growth, introduction of environmentally friendly methods of economic activity, ensuring implementation of sustainable development in the context of overcoming multidimensional poverty life expectancy, the formation of the effective system of social assistance and health care. It has been determined that the implementation of these measures will ensure the formation of the new format of social relations and the new model of economy, as well as achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Practical value. The results of the study can be used by national governments to develop the sustainable development policy, as well as by companies to operate their economic activity in the globalized space.

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