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Bourourou M. 
Composition and processing of sulphide lead-zinc ores from Chaabet El-Hamra mine (Setif, Algeria) = Склад і переробка сульфідних свинцево-цинкових руд шахти Шаабет Ель-Хамра (Сетіф, Алжир) / M. Bourourou, A. Bouzenzana, T. Batouche, A. Benselhoub // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 4. - С. 35-40. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

Purpose. In order to fully exploit the metal and facilitate its method of processing, we need an accurate knowledge of its composition, granular distribution, and association with unimportant and penalizing elements that we would like to get rid of, compared to the distribution of the element to extract by flotation method. Methodology. The present experimental work proposes an approach to the mineralogical, chemical and particle size characterization, several analyzes have been carried out by Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Optical Microscopy (OM), Particle Size-Fraction Analysis (PSFA), and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF). These analyzes were submitted on samples of lead-zinc of different sizes as well as well-prepared fine powder of this ore; the zinc content of the raw material is about 5 % Zn. Findings. The results obtained by the mineralogical characterization and the particle size analysis reveal a very varied and irregular texture of the ore, consisting mainly of sulphides (sphalerite, galena, pyrite, marcasite), associated with carbonate gangue, mainly dolomite and calcite. The theoretical dimensions of the particles found in the fine grain size classes [-1 +0,053] mm. In addition, the conditions of the pulp using the following reagents: CuSOM4 activator, PAX collector, CaO regulator and the pine oil foamed, along with a pH modifier between 10,5 and 12 (11,8 optimal), improve the content of sulphide minerals, and increased the concentrate of sphalerite (ZnS) by foam Flotation with a maximum recovery and economically appropriate content (54 % Zn concentrate). Originality. Depending on the results of the analysis performed and the complete collection of data obtained in the laboratory, we aim to optimize the process of treating lead-zinc sulphide ore and give a more detailed reference source to specialists, researchers and metallurgists in field of mining in general and in the treatment of polymetallic lead-zinc ore in the area studied in particular. Practical value. Benefit the values of beneficial minerals (concentrate of zinc and others sulphide), from different types of raw materials. The latter focuses on flotation as the main successful technique in the extraction of this type of lead-zinc minerals, but it requires constant research and careful examination of its elements and values in order to excel in this field of polymetallic-sulphide ore processing.

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