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Sonmez Yusuf Ercin 
Cyclosporine A nephropathy, its pathogenesis and management = Циклоспоринова нефропатія, її патогенез і лікування / Sonmez Yusuf Ercin // Нирки. - 2021. - 10, № 4. - С. 186-189. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

CsA, obtained from a fungus called Tolypocladium inflatum came into medical use in 1983. Organ transplants have shown great success after the use of Cyclosporine, especially in 3- and 5-year graft survival. However, nephrotoxicity seen in the early and late periods complicates its use. It is very important to distinguish especially early toxicity from rejection attacks; because the treatments of both processes are completely different. While vasocostriction in the renal artery system is prominent in the early period, the underlying factor for late toxicity is the thickening of the arteriolar intima and the consequent decrease in tissue oxygenation. The article discusses the variants of toxicity caused by the use of cyclosporin A. Morphological changes with the use of cyclosporin A are shown in rat models. The results of our own observations on the use of prostaglandin, which demonstrated the effect of vasodilation, are also presented, which can probably be used for further studies in order to reduce the nephrotoxicity of cyclosporin A. In particular, we found that PGE2 significantly reduced vasoconstriction and reduced the toxic effect due to CsA. The limitations was the usage of these agents once, so we couldn't continue and only gave them intravenously. However, the results obtained were found to be significant.

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