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Shchyhlo L. V. 
Terminology as an object of professional discourse research = Термінологія як об'єкт професійного дослідження дискурсу / L. V. Shchyhlo, Yu. I. Chaika, T. Y. Chaika // Філол. трактати. - 2021. - 13, № 1. - С. 147-156. - Бібліогр.: 153 назв. - англ.

The article focuses on the on terminological derivation of modern English-language economic discourse terminology as one of the ways of English word-stock enriching, studies structure of multicomponent terminological phrases in the mentioned sphere. The main ways of the terminological derivation are the following: terminologization, terminological derivation, borrowing a term from another language, literal translation, abbreviation. The study distinguishes two-, three-, four-, five-, six- and seven-component terminological units. The results of the study indicate a high productivity of two-component terminological phrases. The problem of gaining the equivalency during translation of English economic terms is also dealt with. The differences of the terminological systems of source and target languages cause some problems during translation of economic terminological units. This causes the necessity for study of terminological systems and looking for strategies of translation of partially equivalent and non-equivalent lexis. Establishing the differences in the conceptual systems expressed by terms of a source language and a target one, that enables their usage in the particular sphere, is a major step towards interlingual harmonization of terminological systems (in this particular case, the English and Ukrainian economic terminological systems). Also in the article analyses and generalizes the basic theoretical approaches to description of conceptual and structural organization of terminology, interprets such concept as "term" and highlights its character, establishes the meaning of such concepts as "terminology", "terminological system" and "terminological field" and their relationship.

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