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Novak O. 
Institutional management in internationalization of Ukrainian higher education = Інституційний менеджмент в інтернаціоналізації української вищої освіти / O. Novak, A. Lytvyn, S. Laun, Yu. Velykdan // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 5. - С. 160-164. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To identify the possibilities of institutional management as an effective tool for the internationalization of Ukrainian higher education Methodology. The authors used the method of comparative analysis, which allowed them to highlight the general characteristics of institutional management, evaluate their effectiveness in the internationalization of Ukrainian higher education and consider their practical use to achieve maximum results. Findings. The authors used the capabilities of institutional management to define the idea and mission of the internationalization of Ukrainian higher education. The possibilities of Ukrainian higher education and its institutions were investigated. The results obtained were used as a basis for the development of a strategic plan for the internationalization of Ukrainian higher education. Originality. For the first time, the possibilities of institutional management have been used to define the idea and mission of the internationalization of Ukrainian higher education and develop a strategic plan for the internationalization of higher education in Ukraine. Practical value. The authors unified certain rules of institutional management for their more effective use in the internalization of Ukrainian higher education. This has increased their practical value. The possibilities of higher education in Ukraine were studied and eight key areas were identified, the development of which can ensure the quality of the internationalization of Ukrainian higher education.

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