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Honcharov Yu. V. 
Digitalization as a means of implementing changes in the transitive model of power - property - labor relations in Ukraine = Цифровізація як засіб реалізації змін транзитивної моделі відносин влади - власності - праці в Україні / Yu. V. Honcharov, I. Yu. Shtuler, O. A. Ovechkina, M. V. Shtan // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 5. - С. 170-175. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Substantiation of choice of the model of digitalization of domestic transitive economy and society, the implementation of which should prevent the development of negative consequences and strengthen the cumulative effect of positive factors. Methodology. Operationally, research was conducted based on the key provisions by economic theory and political economy, modern concepts of property, power and wage labor. Special research methods were used: grouping and systematization, logical generalization of major characteristics of the global digitalization of national economies. To achieve the purpose, general scientific methods of research on processes and phenomena were used, namely: methods of analysis and synthesis to create a methodological apparatus for studying the effects of digitalization on the social structure and economy of different countries. The application of the system-structural approach allowed developing and comparing models of digitalization of Ukrainian economy. Findings. Digitization is revealed in three aspects: process, result and factor of social and economic changes of the countries which are at different levels of development. Each of the aspects emphasizes the importance of digitalization in the transformations of economic sectors, significant changes in the economic, socio-cultural, institutional and legal systems of society. It is proved that digitalization exacerbates the issues of accelerated reindustrialization of industry on the basis of technological innovations, immediate solution of a complex of unemployment and employment problems, the emergence of new forms by non-economic exploitation. If ignoring the solution of the problems mentioned, a negative effect is inevitable: intellectual and technical backwardness, raw material orientation of the economy, critical disharmony of society, and others. The comparison of digitalization models showed that the implementation of the model of updating a range of industries can ensure the development of the digital sector and digital economy in Ukraine. Originality. The originality of the study is to find a model of digitalization that will be most conducive to progressive changes in the economy. One of such models is the model of complex renewal of industries under the conditions of Ukraine's integration into the European digital market, which will ensure reindustrialization of production, stabilize the employment market, harmonize the social structure of society, and so on. Practical value. The results of the study can be used by government officials, scientists and business leaders in the process of adjusting the concept of digital economy and applying the proposed models of its implementation in accordance with the realities of the transitional state of all spheres of Ukrainian society.

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