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Sylchuk T. 
Sorption properties of bread based on oatmeal / T. Sylchuk, V. Tsyrulnikova, V. Zuiko, A. Riznyk // Ukr. Food J. - 2021. - 10, № 2. - С. 361-374. - Бібліогр.: 373 назв. - англ.

Introduction. For improving the quality of gluten-free bread, it is offered to use hydrocolloids. The aim of the study is to determine the sorption characteristics of bread from oat flour and optimize its storage conditions. Materials and methods. To determine the sorption characteristics, an Autosort apparatus was used. To control humidity, the method of high performance liquid chromatography was used. The relative humidity conditions were varied from 0 to 90 % at a temperature of 25 <^>oC. Results and discussion. The efficiency of joint use of glucano-delta-lactone and food casein for bread production with the use of oatmeal has been proved. The regularities of the influence of oatmeal on the properties of the dough and the qualitative characteristics of bread are determined. It was found that the introduction of glucano-delta-lactone in the amount of 1,0 % by weight of oatmeal in the dough in combination with food casein causes an increase in the specific volume and porosity of the finished products. According to the results of determining the change in the specific volume of dough during fermentation, it was found that the increase in the quality of gluten-free bread with the introduction of glucan-delta-lactone and food casein is associated with increased gas-holding capacity of dough semi-finished products. The positive effect of the use of glucano-delta-lactone in the technology of rice bread on the elastic properties of the crumb of the products has been clarified. The identified patterns make it possible to predict the extension of the shelf life of finished products. In the studied products, adsorption begins as polymolecular and ends with capillary condensation with developed hysteresis, in which the amount of absorbed moisture and removed does not match. The adsorption process is influenced by the shape and radius of the capillaries. The introduction of oatmeal in combination with casein and glucan-delta-lactone affected the redistribution of pores by radius, increasing the total volume of larger pores with a radius within (50 - 55) x 10<^>-10 m almost twice, compared to the structure of the product exclusively on oatmeal. Conclusions. Addition of oatmeal in the amount of 100 % with glucan-delta-lactone in the amount of 1 % and natural protein of animal origin - casein in the amount of 5 % improves bread quality: increases porosity, increased specific volume, which has a positive effect on the sorption properties of finished products.

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