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Nurpeisova M. B. 
Forecast changes in the geodynamic regime of geological environment during large-scale subsoil development = Прогноз зміни геодинамічного режиму геологічного середовища при великомасштабному освоєнні надр / M. B. Nurpeisova, M. Zh. Bitimbayev, K. B. Rysbekov, Sh. Sh. Bekbasarov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 6. - С. 5-10. - Бібліогр.: 25 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Developing the methods for forecasting changes in the geological environment based on integrated monitoring, which ensures industrial and environmental safety of Central Kazakhstan region. Methodology. Integrated approach was used in the work, including: study on mining and geological conditions, structural features of rocks and conducting mine surveying at mines on the basis of modern methods and means of geomonitoring developed by the authors. Findings. Methodology for integrated geodynamic monitoring system is developed. A new method of geodynamic polygon establishment is proposed. Study results were implemented at operating mining enterprises during implementation of projects "Comprehensive monitoring of slow deformation processes of the earth's surface during large-scale development of ore deposits in Central Kazakhstan" and "Development of innovative methods for forecasting and assessing the state of rock mass to prevent technogenic emergencies", and the results were used in the educational process of Satbayev University. Originality. As a result of the research work carried out, the following were created and introduced into production: geodynamic polygon (GDP) of the area, established on the basis of the "nodal" method, combined with leveling, satellite and seismological points, allowing monitoring coverage of exploration and mining operations, as well as increasing efficiency of observations and reducing capital costs for mineral production; developed constructions of permanent (ground and underground) forced centering points (FCP), which allow increasing productivity and observations accuracy; method for photographing structural features of rock mass using a 3D laser scanner, which makes it possible to study elements of cracks occurrence and faults in rocks in sufficient detail; composition of strengthening solution from mining waste to increase stability of disturbed sections of open cast benches was developed. The novelty of the developed methods and means is confirmed by RK patents for invention. Practical value. Obtained results can be used to improve the level of industrial safety at mines and minimize environmental risks caused by subsoil development.

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