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Karavayev T. 
Authorized economic operator: world experience = Авторизований економічний оператор: світовий досвід / T. Karavayev, G. Duginets, O. Nikanorova // Зовн. торгівля: економіка, фінанси, право. - 2022. - № 2. - С. 26-37. - Бібліогр.: 23 назв. - англ.

The AEO has become the flagship program of the Customs-Business Partnership for WTO members. Business partnership programs allow customs authorities to achieve higher results in ensuring security and safety of international trade through incentives such as reduced controls, simplified procedures, periodic reporting, deferred payments, reputational benefits and others. Analysis of world experience (namely the USA, the EU, China and other WTO countries) has shown the feasibility of implementing the AEO program, which allows authorized businesses to provide special simplifycation for the movement of goods through international logistics chains. Analysis of recent researches and publications has shown that the published up to date papers aren't systematic and can't claim to be a complete analysis of the AEO program world experience and benefits for doing business in Ukraine. The aim of the article is to analyze the world and Ukrainian experience while implementing AEO program. General scientific methods such as the systematic approach, theoretical generalization and comparison, analysis and synthesis have been used for the research. Conclusions: today there is a significant gap in informing business representatives, young professionals and practitioners, applicants for higher education in Ukraine about the specifics of meeting the requirements for AEO authorization, the tangible benefits of AEO status for both types of business in Ukraine and at the international level. Wider implementation of the AEO program in Ukraine, in addition to the tool of business partnerships, trade facilitation, strengthening security in the field of foreign economic activity, will also be one of the tools to de-shadow business.

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